JOKE OF THE DAY: How did the bee brush his hair?
With a honeycomb.
Below are the news clips that Adirondack Council staff have compiled to read over the past week. Articles with (AC) denote a direct mention of the Adirondack Council.
Stefanik joins Northern Border Security Caucus - The Sun - March 1, 2023
How a $6B transmission project made it in New York - Energy Wire - March 1, 2023
Housing task force discusses senior living, availability of rentals - The Sun - March 1, 2023

Invasives update: The good, the bad and the promising - Adirondack Almanack - March 1, 2023
(AC) Willie Janeway details his decision to leave the Adirondack Council - WAMC - February 28, 2023
(AC) Adirondack Council leader will step down - Adirondack Daily Enterprise - February 28, 2023
Where’s the road salt report? - Adirondack Almanack - February 28, 2023
What can Adirondack lakes tell us about climate change? - Adirondack Explorer - February 28, 2023
Hub on the Hill first food hub nationally to take SNAP benefits online - Foothills Business Daily - February 28, 2023
Budget requests for the park - Adirondack Almanack - February 27, 2023
(AC) Adirondack Council leader to step down later this year - North Country Public Radio - February 27, 2023
Adirondack Garden Club grant applications now open - The Sun - February 27, 2023
(AC) Adirondack Council’s executive director to step down in September - Adirondack Explorer - February 27, 2023
Beech trees face uncertain future - Adirondack Explorer - February 26, 2023
Adirondack Center for Writing hosts event to help students with their writing - Yahoo News - February 25, 2023
AWI takes over long-term lake monitoring - Adirondack Explorer - February 25, 2023