JOKE OF THE DAY: How do trees get on the internet?
They log in.
Below are the news clips that Adirondack Council staff have compiled to read over the past week. Articles with (AC) denote a direct mention of the Adirondack Council.
Common Ground Alliance Announces 2023 Blueprint for the Blue Line - Adirondack Almanack - March 9, 2023
Legislators want state to pay taxes on closed prisons - Press Republican - March 8, 2023
Here's the latest in the debate over using herbicide to kill an invasive weed in lake George - North Country Public Radio - March 8, 2023
Lost hiker rescued on tallest Adirondack mountain News10 ABC - March 7, 2023
John Dillon, who died last week, left an Adirondack legacy - Adirondack Explorer - March 7, 2023
The future of Adirondack lake monitoring - Adirondack Almanack - March 7, 2023
(AC) Micro-Grant eligibility expanded to all Adirondack farms, value-added producers - Adirondack Almanack - March 7, 2023
Untangling Timbucto and the Roots of Gerrit Smith’s Land Grants of 1846 - Adirondack Explorer - March 6, 2023
(AC) Experts analyze how climate migration could affect Vermont and Northern New York - News5 NBC - March 6, 2023
Adirondack Park Agency loses 2 lawsuits in 1 week - Politico - March 6, 2023
Meet the beetles - Adirondack Explorer - March 5, 2023
(AC) Nearly 100 people attend Adirondack Park Lobby Day in Albany - Adirondack Almanack - March 2, 2023
Illinois Put a Stop to Local Governments’ Ability to Kill Solar and Wind Projects. Will Other Midwestern States Follow? - Inside Climate News - February 27, 2023